Safely Home: Letter from a Reader

I just finished Safely Home. I was profoundly, deeply affected.

I don’t even know where to begin. I met a man (about 15 years ago) and spent quite a few hours with him—his name was Harry Lee. He was from China where he had been jailed for his faith. He had the most beautiful spirit of anyone I have ever met. He loved “Yesu” with a gentle passion. He was amazing. He is now “safely home” with his Lord. He shared many of his experiences with me. I learned of the persecuted church in China and the truth of serving Jesus there. But I am ashamed to say that while I prayed for the church for awhile, pretty soon I just “forgot.” I got complacent in my Christian life. I took my Bible and my church for granted...and even, sadly to say, my Lord.

Your book was a wake up call. I have asked the Lord to forgive my complacency and my lack of genuine love for His Word and His persecuted people. And now I want to help. I’m not sure what form that will take at this time except for prayer. But I am praying about how I can raise money to help get Bibles to China.

I work at a Christian book store. When I went to work today all the Bibles on the shelves brought tears to my eyes. In my quiet way I am going to try and get people to read your book, too.

I just wanted you to know that indeed the Lord is using your book And I am really praying that the Lord will not let me go on this. My heart is open before Him.

Thank you.

Sincerely in the name of Yesu, 

