Endorsements and Book Reviews of Wait Until Then

Book Reviews of Wait Until Then

Randy Alcorn’s Wait Until Then is both touching and wise. Any parent who wants to explain what happens to us when we die, how to deal with the death of a loved one, and how to cope with serious disappointment will want to read this book with their child.

Wait Until Then

This book could easily have been trite or preachy, but it’s neither. The story brought tears to my eyes, and I believe it will touch you and your children, too. I also like that Alcorn has backed up his fictional story with plenty of Bible verses. And the illustrations, by Doron Ben-Ami, are amazing! They are rich and lifelike…so much so, many look like photographs, not drawings. I can’t imagine better illustrations for this book.

— Kristina Seleshanko, Editor of Christian Children’s Book Review

Wait Until Then by Randy Alcorn is a beautiful story about a wheelchair-bound young boy and his grandfather who is dying of cancer. They share a great love for baseball. Nathan wants more than anything to be able to run and walk like other kids so he can really play baseball. His grandfather knows this and tries to show him that there are other things far more important.
    They have many good talks as they fish, play catch, and just spend time together. As Grandpa explains why we have suffering and bad things, he also talks about a time when all will be made new and Nathan will be able to run and jump just like other boys on the New Earth. Grandpa also tells Nathan and his brother and sister about Heaven and how Jesus is building a special place there for each person.
    Alcorn designed this book to be used to open dialogue with children about Heaven—what it is like and how to get there. The plan of salvation is presented within the story. Every page is a full-color illustration of the story. It is recommended for the ages of six through ten and will be a great book to be handed down from generation to generation.

— Linda Demorest, Christian Book Previews.com

Randy Alcorn placed some deep theological truths in a simple story, filled with family moments and lots of love. The idea of being limited in this present world is well developed through Nathan’s physical condition as well as Gramps’ increasing age. The dreams of grandfather and grandson remained out of reach until Gramps went home to be with the Lord. Nathan’s realization that being with Jesus is just the start of a new life will comfort this young audience. The idea of playing baseball in Heaven with his grandfather will bring smiles, while underscoring God’s precious promises.
    The scriptural truths are based on sound doctrine, the writing is age-appropriate and the illustrations are stunning. Wait Until Then will be read over and over again.

Joyce Handzo, reviewer, In the Library Reviews—Where reading is a Way of Life 
