One of the ministries EPM supports is Action International. Devendra and Koko Rai work with Action in India, and in November, Devendra sent out a prayer request for the daughter of an Indian pastor. Changpi (who turned 7 on December 8) was diagnosed with a hole in her heart that created complications in her liver. She needed an operation as soon as possible, which needed to be performed in a city 60 hours away by train. (In the picture, she is between the girl in the blue dress and the girl with a flower in her hair.)
Her father was at his wit’s end; with an income of only $130 a month, a surgery costing $8,000 seemed impossible. But without the operation, it would soon be too late for Changpi. (Devendra explained that more than 90% of people in India don’t have health insurance, or for that matter, any kind of insurance.)
EPM was able to join others in sending funds for Changpi’s surgery. Two weeks later, her father reported that the operation was successful, and his daughter’s life was spared. Devendra wrote, “Thank you all for your prayers and for your generous help to this dear pastor. Pastor Langshukyu is very thankful to all of you for your help.”
What a privilege and joy to invest in the life of this precious child, and ultimately in God’s kingdom. As Jesus said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35). Thank you, Lord. “Everything comes from you, and we have given you only what comes from your hand” (1 Chronicles 29).
From Eternal Perspective Ministries
If you’re interested in supporting some of the wonderful ministries who specifically provide life-saving health care for children and the needy around the world, we recommend the following:
Mercy Ships - Through free, basic, health-care and transformative surgeries, Mercy Ships becomes the face of love in action. The hospital ship - Africa Mercy - provides first-rate medical professionals, state-of-the-art medical and surgical facilities and health-care training to communities in West Africa that lack those critical services.
Samaritan’s Purse: Children’s Heart Project – This outreach works with top-quality hospitals to provide surgery for children who live in countries where the medical expertise and equipment are not available. Since 1997, CHP has arranged life-saving operations for more than 800 children.
MedSend – This ministry enables highly qualified and dedicated healthcare professionals to serve spiritually and physically needy people around the world in the name of Christ.