How (and How Not) to Think about the Trinity

In his book Delighting in the Trinity, Michael Reeves writes, “The Trinity is the governing center of all Christian belief, the truth that shapes and beautifies all others. The Trinity is the cockpit of all Christian thinking.”

As such, it’s a doctrine well worth contemplating, even if we can’t fully understand it. (It’s very possible to say “huh?” to the mysterious mathematics of the Trinity, yet appreciate its inexplicable wonders!)

In this video, former EPM staffer Julia (Stager) Mayo does a great job talking about some trinitarian heresies, including modalism, partialism and subordinationism, and also explains what the Bible actually affirms about the Trinity. Here’s a lot of good theology in 3.5 minutes:

Photo by Shandell Venegas on Unsplash

Randy Alcorn (@randyalcorn) is the author of over sixty books and the founder and director of Eternal Perspective Ministries
