What Daily Resources Does EPM Recommend to Focus on God’s Word and What’s Eternal?

Question from a reader:

My wife has been diagnosed with stage-four cancer. We are fighting with everything we have. We have been big fans of Heaven and Safely Home. I am looking for an online/video or daily study that I can share daily with the family, including our grown children, to stay in the Word and prepare and encourage each other for Heaven. Do you have a recommendation?

Answer from Stephanie Anderson, EPM staff:

I'm sorry to hear of your wife's diagnosis. That has to be earth-shattering for your family, and so very hard. May you sense God's comfort and love in a special way in this season.

These aren’t online video resources, but what came to mind is reading one of Randy's devotionals together. You can browse them here.

Paul David Tripp's book New Morning Mercies was instrumental in Randy’s wife Nanci’s life as she was going through cancer. He would highly recommend that one. Paul also posts videos regularly on social media.

Personally, nothing has helped me stay in the Word more the last year and a half than the Bible Recap, a daily Bible reading plan accompanied by a podcast. You can learn more here.

Another reading plan I have heard about (accompanied by videos) is here.

Finally, we have some resources related to cancer here, if they are of interest to you and your wife.

May you sense the nearness of our Good Shepherd as you walk this valley together.

Photo: Unsplash

Stephanie Anderson is the communications and graphics specialist at Eternal Perspective Ministries. 
