God Is Using Our Ministry to Share the Hope of Heaven with Those Grieving

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Paul says in 2 Corinthians 1:3-4, “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God” (NIV). Nanci’s death, and grieving our temporary separation, has given me many opportunities to write and speak about grief and share an eternal perspective.

My new booklet Grieving with Hope was born out of what I’ve learned during the last 2 1/2 years since Nanci relocated to Heaven. Below are some notes we’ve received from readers who have been helped by EPM’s resources on Heaven and grief:

“God has given me a grief ministry for the past six years after my husband’s death. So much of what Randy writes resonates deeply with me and I find myself saying AMEN a lot! Grateful for this ministry.”

“Three years ago today my beloved husband met Jesus face-to-face. While the pain of separation has been hard, the truth of knowing he still lives with Jesus while we await our reunion as believers has comforted and carried me. Randy’s teachings have been instrumental in my grief journey and healing because they are based in the truth of God’s Word.”

“Since my beloved husband died earlier this year, I’ve been reading your book on Heaven and listening to your interviews from after your dear Nanci went to be with Jesus. I can honestly say my relationship with Jesus has become so strong and I grieve with the hope of seeing my husband again but full understanding God’s not finished with me. I feel honored to be able to listen and read your material and of course, the Scriptures that you make reference to.”

“When our daughter breathed her first breath in glory, Heaven is one of the books that God used to bring such comfort and perspective in the midst of our grief. I had a friend who came over once a week to watch our other children so that I could take long walks near our home. I would listen to the audiobook of Heaven while I walked and cried many tears of grief and joy as I thought about where my daughter is and where I will one day live as well!”

“The questions I, a 54+ year believer, had after my husband died were interminable. We Will See God helped me so much along the journey of faith and discovery. Thank you for using God’s gifts to help others.”

“I found your magazine in the hospital waiting room. I looked at the open page with the Q&A about pet grief which I am presently going through with my wonderful dog. It caught my eye and then I saw the author’s name, and I knew it was God sent. Randy Alcorn became my favorite Christian author after I read his book on Heaven—at least seven times plus on tape many times, following the loss of my dear husband. Thank you for being there just when I needed you most.”

“We’re a few months out from the three-year mark of our son going Home. Having a godly/eternal perspective is the only way we continue to make it. I ordered a handful of your booklets yesterday to have one always ready to share.”

“There are so many books and helps on grieving available. When I lost my wife, I read a few and of those I read, I found very few to be that helpful. The void that is left by the loss of a loved one and the resulting sense of loss and loneliness can be overwhelming. Of all that I have heard and read, Randy’s comments about communion with Jesus is by far the best. I so much appreciate that wisdom and ‘Eternal Perspective.’ Nothing else comes close. No one else can fill that void and sense of loneliness like Jesus.”

A special thanks for the ongoing support of our donors. You are the backbone of this ministry and enable us to keep serving in Jesus’s name. I am profoundly grateful for your kind support. Thank you for helping us reach many with this message of our rock-solid hope in Jesus!

If you’d like to be part of our efforts to reach out to people in Christ’s name and to keep producing resources with an eternal perspective, we invite you to consider making a one-time or recurring donation. It’s the generous support of our ministry partners that enables us to continue our eternity-shaping work. (I encourage you to start by giving to your local church where you are taught God’s Word, enjoy the fellowship of God’s people, and collaborate to take the Gospel to the world. Secondarily, you may choose to support other ministries such as EPM.)

We’re here to serve everyone without cost, so please don’t feel obligated to give to us. Jesus said, “Freely you have received, freely give” (Matthew 10:8). It’s our privilege and joy to share freely what God has so graciously given us.

(If you do wish to make a year-end, tax-deductible donation, please note donations postmarked no later than December 31, or received online by 11:59 p.m. PT on December 31, will be included on this year’s tax receipts.)

Randy Alcorn (@randyalcorn) is the author of over sixty books and the founder and director of Eternal Perspective Ministries
