God Takes Stinginess or Generosity Personally: The Faith & Finance show with Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn joined Rob West on Faith Fi: The Faith and Finance show to discuss God’s view of our giving, materialism, and the importance of being generous.  


Rich toward God: In this clip from his interview on Faith Fi with Rob West, Randy Alcorn shares how God accepts our gifts to the needy as a gift directly to Him, and will repay us in eternity. 

Our Greatest Wealth: In this clip from his interview on Faith Fi with Rob West, Randy Alcorn shares how God is our primary wealth, and everything else we have is a secondary blessing from Him. 

Foolishness: In this clip from his interview on Faith Fi with Rob West, Randy Alcorn discusses the rich fool of Luke 12 and shares what makes someone foolish, particularly when it comes to stewarding what God has entrusted to us.   

Materialism: In this clip from his interview on Faith Fi with Rob West, Randy Alcorn shares what happens when things become what we orbit around instead of God. and how giving is the only remedy for materialism.  

The Good Life: In this clip from his interview with Faith Fi with Rob West, Randy Alcorn shares an example that demonstrates what “the good life” doesn’t look like for followers of Christ.  


Photo: FaithFi.com

Randy Alcorn (@randyalcorn) is the author of over sixty books and the founder and director of Eternal Perspective Ministries
