Will Genetic Disabilities That Were an Important Part of a Person’s Personality Still Be Present in the Resurrection?

Question from a reader:

My brother-in-law has Down Syndrome, and my husband and I talk about this often. When he is resurrected, will he still have Down Syndrome? I know we will be made “perfect,” but my brother without Down Syndrome wouldn’t be him. I can’t imagine who he would be or how we would know him. I like to think he would still be the same person with Down Syndrome, just without the physical complications in his body. What do you think?

Answer from Stephanie Anderson, EPM staff:

Your question is an interesting one to consider. On the one hand, the genetic abnormalities that people experience are a result of the Curse, which we know will be reversed forever on the New Earth, after the resurrection. On the other hand, it’s absolutely true that Down Syndrome people are precious and there is something that often shines through in them that is very special. We know God doesn’t make “mistakes” in forming people—He uses even physical deformities and disabilities to display His glory (John 9:3).

You wrote, “I like to think he would still be the same person with Down Syndrome, just without the physical complications in his body.” Yes, it seems quite possible that God could make that person’s core identity—what was so beautiful and charming and unique and wonderful about them on Earth—still shine through while healing whatever physical and mental issues they experienced due to the Curse. That seems to be what Randy pictures in this excerpt from his book Deadline. We do know that the eternal Heaven will be a place of healing.

There are also some applicable thoughts here from Randy.

As with so many things we wonder about related to Heaven, it will be delightful to one day find out!

Photo: Unsplash

Stephanie Anderson is the communications and graphics specialist at Eternal Perspective Ministries. 
