Will Christians Who Lost Memories Due to Dementia Have Them Restored in Heaven?

Question from a reader:

I'm reading your book on Heaven. My question is, if believers who have gone to the present Heaven remember their lives here on Earth, what would they remember if they had dementia?

Answer from Christy Amadio, EPM staff:

This is a tough question. It seems like there is so little understanding of what goes on in the brain of someone with dementia. We know that once we're on the New Earth, our resurrected bodies won't suffer from any of the diseases and ailments we experience here on Earth. Randy has written here about why he believes people in Heaven will have memories of their lives on Earth.

I can’t say for sure, but it seems like believers who have suffered from dementia still have all of their memories locked away in their brain and even though they aren’t able to access that properly here on Earth due to the disease, once in Heaven they won’t be inhibited by that any longer.

I pray that you can find peace and comfort in knowing that God loves you.

Photo: Unsplash

Christy Amadio works part time at EPM as a ministry assistant, specializing in communications and customer service. 
