As part of a study related to my Happiness book, I recorded a series of videos, 10 to 20 minutes each, on the subject of happiness in Christ. Though the DVD is no longer sold, our ministry is now able to share all six videos on our website as a free resource. (They correspond with the Happiness Bible Study Book, which is still available from our store.)
The quality of the filming was excellent, so I encourage you to consider sharing them with your small group or church. Whether you use them with the study book or not, I think you’ll benefit from what you learn.
I’ll be sharing all six videos, one at a time over the course of the next few blogs. Here’s the first video in the series, titled, “Happiness vs Joy: The Conflict”:
In 1629 Edward Leigh (1602–1671) wrote, “The happiness of man consists in the enjoying of God. All other things are no . . . means of happiness or helps to it, then as we see and taste God in them.”
This wise Puritan was saying that the very things God has given us to make us happy succeed in doing so only when we first and foremost find our happiness in God.
Puritan preacher Thomas Brooks (1608–1680) said, “God is the author of all true happiness; he is the donor of all true happiness. . . . He that hath him for his God, for his portion, is the only happy man in the world.”
English evangelist John Wesley (1703–1791) said, “When we first know Christ . . . then it is that happiness begins; happiness real, solid, substantial.” Wesley also said, “None but a Christian is happy; none but a real inward Christian.”
While happiness is what we all want and what believers throughout the centuries affirmed is a good desire when it’s sought in Christ, countless modern Christians have been taught various myths about happiness—including the false “happiness vs. joy” dichotomy, which is deeply embedded in American Christianity.
In reality, the Bible is a vast reservoir containing not dozens but hundreds of passages conveying happiness. In fact, I’ve looked at more than 2,700 Scripture passages where words such as joy, happiness, gladness, merriment, pleasure, celebration, cheer, laughter, delight, jubilation, feasting, exultation, and celebration are used. Scripture is clear that seeking happiness—or joy, gladness, delight, or pleasure—through sin is wrong and fruitless. But seeking happiness in Him is good and right and God honoring.
Here are some resources if you’d like to explore more:
Is There a Difference Between Happiness and Joy?
Four Reasons Christians Distinguish Between Happiness and Joy
Is Joy Possible Apart from Feelings of Happiness and Delight?