Let’s Show Women They Are a Vital Part of Christ’s Body, Not Just Tell Them to “Go Home”

article - Randy Alcorn Randy's blog
Periodically I write an unusually long blog because the issues are so far-reaching that I think they demand extra attention. I don’t like to break such blogs into multiple parts, so if you have the time to work this through with me, here we go. Many have reacted, both negatively and positively, to comments that John MacArthur made recently about Beth Moore. This happened at the Truth Matters Conference, held at MacArthur’s Grace Community Church in California.

Why Is It Necessary for Me to Find and Be Part of a Local Church?

article - Brenda Abelein
Question from a reader: In your Heaven book, you say that if we are looking for a Bible-teaching church to contact your ministry. I was brought up in church and have gone to several, but I find the focus seems to be more on social connections and entertainment. I study your books and listen to solid Bible teaching. I do not really understand why I need to find a church, but your book seems to say it is necessary. Can you explain why?
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