Biblical Inerrancy and Fuller Seminary article - Randy Alcorn Randy Alcorn's second response to inerrancy and Fuller Seminary
Choosing a Christian College or Secular University article - Randy Alcorn Randy's blog It's summertime, and many recent high school graduates will be starting college for the first time this fall. Other young people are beginning to look into which college they would like to attend in the next few years.
The Bible: More Than Stories article - Randy Alcorn Randy's blog I am often hearing people say these days that God has revealed himself to us in stories, and that story, not doctrine, is the framework in which we should see our faith.
The Problem of Biblical Illiteracy article - Randy Alcorn Randy's blog Biblical illiteracy among Christians is arguably at an all time high, with chilling implications that can hardly be overstated. I know that various things in the church will inevitably change, such as songs and hymns taking on new forms, and that's fine. What isn't fine is for God's people to neglect His Word.
Believing-the-Bible Book List article - John Piper There are 3 categories: The formation of the canon, The reliability of the New Testament, and Refuting the claims of some recent critics.
A Compelling Reason for Rigorous Training of the Mind article - John Piper I was reading and meditating on the book of Hebrews recently, when it hit me forcefully that a basic and compelling reason for education—the rigorous training of the mind—is so that a person can read the Bible with understanding.
A Surprise Endorsement for Doctrine article - John Piper God gives good press to doctrine. But surveys of evangelicals usually do not—until recently.
Distinctive Teachings of Biblical Christianity article - Randy Alcorn Biblical Christianity is fundamentally a relationship with Christ, not a religion about Christ.
What Do You Think of Mitch Albom’s Book The Five People You Meet in Heaven? article - Randy Alcorn Discerning Christians with a strong biblical theology can pick out the good and toss the bad. Unfortunately, most who read the book (and see the movie) will not do that.
Heaven: Our Certain Hope article - Randy Alcorn Set your sights on the realities of heaven, where Christ sits at God’s right hand.…. Let heaven fill your thoughts. Colossians 3:1-2