Whose Life Have You Touched—and Who Has Touched Your Life—That You Won’t Discover Until Eternity?

article - Randy Alcorn Randy's blog
One of our EPM staff was going through the junk folder for messages sent to my Facebook page, and came across this treasure of a message sent several months ago. I believe it was divinely orchestrated that this letter would remain in the junk folder until last Wednesday, December 7, so I could read it on what was a day of nostalgia for me as I was reflecting on the fact that it was exactly 54 years ago Nanci and I met.

Will We Have Regrets at the Judgment Seat of Christ?

video - Randy Alcorn Randy's blog
When Kirk Cousins, starting quarterback for the Minnesota Vikings, interviewed me, one of the great questions he asked was, “Will we have regret in Heaven when we finally see with an eternal perspective?” I really appreciated Kirk’s question because of his Bible-based recognition of a truth many Christians don’t often contemplate, that “each of us will give an account of ourselves to God” (Romans 14:12).
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