Giving with Eternity in Mind article - Randy Alcorn We’ll each part with our money. The only question is when.
Gambling: Odds Are, You Lose article - Barry Arnold I want to talk, today, about gambling. In bringing up this subject I know I run the risk of offending some, being labeled a Victorian fundamentalist or an ultra-conservative.
Generous Giving: 40 Questions to Ask God article - Randy Alcorn Some of these are one-a-day question; others could be asked several in succession. Decide according to your preference.
Basic Financing and Preparing a Budget article - Eternal Perspective Ministries Randy would recommend contacting Crown Financial Ministries. They have a vast amount of resources to choose from.
Find Joy When You Give article - Whitney Hopler You can give joyfully if you're seeking true treasure.
Are We Rewarded in Heaven for Leaving Money to Christian Ministries When We Die? article - Randy Alcorn Heb 9:27 says, "It's appointed unto men once to die, and after this the judgment." Everything we receive reward for is what we actually did on earth.
Practical Guidelines To Control Spending: Appendix D from Money, Possessions and Eternity article - Randy Alcorn For many people, spending money is an addictive behavior similar to alcoholism or gambling. With compulsive spending, the true enemy is within.
Are School Loans an Acceptable Form of Debt? article - Randy Alcorn Being in a position to lend money to others is a blessing, whereas being the borrower is a curse (see Deuteronomy 28:44-45). Unless there's an overwhelming need to borrow, it's unwise for God's children to put themselves under the curse of indebtedness.
EPM's Funding of the Elque Bible Translation Project article - Stephanie Anderson Eternal Perspective Ministries, through the work of one of our ministry partners, is privileged to have the opportunity to help translate the Gospel into two languages.
A Giving Alternative: Donating to EPM via United Way article - Eternal Perspective Ministries For years many Christians have struggled because of the annual office pressure to have full participation in giving to The United Way.
Does the Old Testament Model of Tithing Still Apply to Christians Today, Since it Was Part of the Old Covenant? article - Randy Alcorn Being under grace does not mean living by lower standards than the law.
Doesn’t the Concept of Tithing Rob People of the Joy of Giving? article - Randy Alcorn 10% is not some lofty goal, just a starting place, but starting is important.
31 Radical, Liberating Questions to Ask God About Your Giving article - Randy Alcorn When it comes to financial stewardship, God hasn’t handed each of us a standardized checklist with little boxes to mark off one by one. Rather, He has provided us His Word with principles for effective financial stewardship—principles we have to wrestle with. In the process of this struggle, God expects us to seek His face and to pursue the counsel of godly believers who have traveled further than we along Stewardship Road.
Choosing a God-Honoring Lifestyle article - Randy Alcorn Randy's blog Regarding choosing a financial lifestyle that is honoring to God, I received a blog comment from a reader, asking: Do you believe that everyone should live modestly? (Would that be $30,000 per year, or $50,000, or $100,000, or...?)
The Old Testament Model of Tithing and Christians Today article - Randy Alcorn Randy's blog I have mixed feelings on tithing. I detest legalism. I certainly don’t want to pour new wine into old wineskins, imposing superseded first covenant restrictions on Christians. However, the fact is that every New Testament example of giving goes beyond the tithe.