Isn't Abortion a Matter of Right to Privacy? audio - Randy Alcorn Randy Alcorn answers the question, "Isn't Abortion a Matter of Right to Privacy?"
Dogs Judging Dog Owners by Their Own Standards? article - Randy Alcorn Randy's blog This is our dog Moses. He’s a great dog and we love him. But he is not a rocket scientist. In fact, if he were allowed access to a rocket he would probably sniff it, lick it and then relieve himself on it.
Perspectives on Prayer from Daniel 9-10 article - Randy Alcorn Follow Scripture’s lead toward what you should pray for. (If prayer’s the train, make Scripture the rails.)
Photos taken in Maui by Randy Alcorn, April 2005 article - Randy Alcorn And God said, “Let the waters swarm with swarms of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the expanse of the heavens.”
What Jobs Did You Have While Growing Up? video - Randy Alcorn Randy Alcorn shares about his childhood and first jobs, including one that involved being held up at gun point.
When Did You Put Your Faith in Christ? video - Randy Alcorn In this two and a half minute clip, Randy Alcorn answers the question, "When did you put your faith in Christ?"
Practical Ways to Help Our Persecuted Brothers and Sisters in Christ article - Eternal Perspective Ministries We receive many letters from readers asking for ways to help those being persecuted for their faith. In addition to financial contributions, the following are other opportunities for individuals, families, or church groups to help those in need.
Overcoming the Myths About Heaven article - Randy Alcorn I once heard a pastor make a startling confession: “Whenever I think about heaven, it makes me depressed. I’d rather just cease to exist when I die.” I tried not to show my shock as I asked him, “Why?” “I can’t stand the thought of that endless tedium. To float around in the clouds with nothing to do but strum a harp—it’s all so terribly boring. Heaven doesn’t sound much better than hell. I’d rather be annihilated than spend eternity in a place like that.”
Parental Alert article - Worldview Weekend Are you a Christian parent? Is your teenager a Christian? Are they thinking like a Christian?
Parenting Teens: Leaving a Lasting Spiritual Heritage article - Randy Alcorn If we don’t think strategically about parenting, then we’ve made a statement: our children aren’t important, or parenting comes so naturally that it happens without our attention.
A. W. Tozer: Pastoral Ministry article - A. W. Tozer Another kind of religious leader must arise among us. He must be of the old prophet type, a man who has seen visions of God and has heard a voice from the Throne.
Pastors and Heaven article - Randy Alcorn I was a pastor for fourteen years. My closest friends are pastors. I’m delighted to talk to pastors about Heaven.
Peer Reviewed Articles Related to the Birth Control Pill article - Eternal Perspective Ministries Articles related to Randy's book Does the Birth Control Pill Cause Abortions?
A. W. Tozer: Personal Life article - A. W. Tozer It was the belief in the accountability of man to his maker that made America a great nation. Among those earlier leaders was Daniel Webster whose blazing eyes and fiery oratory often held the Senate spellbound.
Personally Opposed to Abortion, But Pro-choice? article - Randy Alcorn Some imagine that being personally opposed to abortion, while believing others have the right to choose it, is some kind of compromise between the pro-abortion and prolife positions.