Sobre Una Mujer Nigeriana Anónima (Of an Unnamed Nigerian Woman)

article - Tami Yeager
Displayed on the Martyrs Monument (at The Voice of The Martyrs USA ministry office in Bartlesville, Oklahoma) are the names of many martyrs—each one representing a real person with a real story. I love to stand near this memorial and slowly read the names and brief descriptions. During a recent visit I found myself once again drawn to the monument. On this particular day there was one memorial stone that stood out to me. It simply read A Nigerian Woman.

Our Best Life Yet to Come: The New Earth, Our Eternal Home

article - Randy Alcorn Randy's blog
Imagine you’re part of a NASA team preparing for a five-year mission to Mars. After a period of extensive training, the launch date finally arrives. As the rocket lifts off, one of your fellow astronauts asks, “What do you know about Mars?” Envision shrugging your shoulders and saying, “Nothing. We never talked about it. I guess we’ll find out when we get there.” It’s unthinkable, isn’t it?
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