A Person and a Place: Safely Home article - Randy Alcorn Death is not a hole; it’s a door. We don’t end; we relocate.
Bob Hawkins Sr.: A Real Follower of Jesus article - Randy Alcorn Randy's blog Bob Hawkins Sr., founder of Harvest House Publishers and a real follower of Jesus, went to Heaven last Tuesday, February 9. I met Bob Sr. years ago and thought the world of him, as did nearly everyone, I think.
What Is Your Position on the Age of the Earth? article - Randy Alcorn This is a very difficult issue with many different takes, even by Christians who fully believe in the inspiration and inerrancy of Scripture. There are young earth creationists, and old earth creationists, and they will give him a different answer to the question of the relative age of the earth.
What Is Your Position on the Timing of the Rapture? article - Randy Alcorn I’m not sure of the rapture’s timing. I affirm the second coming of Christ and am premillennial, but depending on what Scriptures one goes to, a case can be made for pre-trib, post-trib, mid-trib and various adaptations of those positions.
Do You Think that Leviticus 17 Is a Biblical Basis for Belief that Life Begins at Implantation? article - Randy Alcorn These passages are not attempting to teach a theology of when human life begins and should not be used in support of abortion at any stage.
What Is Your Response to My Disappointment with the Local Church and Decision to Attend a Small Group Bible Study Instead? article - Randy Alcorn We have a natural desire to be independent, but we need godly church leaders, and should seek to find a local church that has godly leaders rather than to withdraw from churches.
What Is Your Stance on the Two Major Political Parties? article - Randy Alcorn There are Christians who are Libertarians and Constitution Party members, as well as Republicans and Democrats.
What Is Your View on Birth Control? article - Randy Alcorn This is a tough issue, and the toughest part is that we’ve grown up in a society forged by people like Margaret Sanger, and the church has largely bought into a selfish, anti-child, population-control mentality.
What Is Your View on Expositional Preaching? article - Randy Alcorn The point is that there is not one right way to teach the Bible—the Bible can and should be taught in a variety of ways (taking into account learning styles, for instance).
What Is Your View on Limited Atonement? article - Randy Alcorn If logic were my authority, my belief in the other four points of Calvinism would compel me to believe in limited atonement.
What Kind of Response Have You Gotten from the African American Community about Deadline and Dominion? article - Randy Alcorn It’s been a wonderful response from African Americans.
What Makes a Human Life "Meaningful"? article - Randy Alcorn Who determines which lives are meaningful and which aren’t? The answer, always, is that powerful people decide whether weaker people’s lives are meaningful.
What Makes You Think Salvation Can't Be Lost? article - Randy Alcorn If salvation can be lost, this requires a reversal of regeneration.
What Resources and Steps of Action Would You Recommend for Someone Struggling with Sexual Sin? article - Dave Bryant Although I do not know the specific nature of your struggle, or the circumstances that set you up for sin, I do know that fighting the battle alone is difficult and rarely leads to victory.
What Resources Are There for a Doctor Who Wishes to Honor Christ? article - Randy Alcorn I commend you for your devotion to Christ and your desire to faithfully represent Him both in your personal life and in your medical practice.