In Light of Eternity: 59 Excerpts article - Randy Alcorn The following excerpts are from IN LIGHT OF ETERNITY: Perspectives on Heaven, by Randy Alcorn.
Would the Bible Disapprove of Me, as a Wife, Being the Primary Breadwinner for My Family? article - Randy Alcorn Marriage is an interdependent relationship in which a wife is dependent on her husband and he is dependent on his wife.
Wouldn’t a Better Word for “Intermediate”—Regarding the State of the Person After Death but Before the Resurrection—Be “Incomplete”? article - Randy Alcorn I understand your position and I suppose it could have some merit, as long as it’s clear this is not like a progressive resurrection. The resurrection will happen all at once at a time yet in the future.
Endorsements and Book Reviews of Why ProLife? article - Multiple Readers “Why ProLife? is an invaluable resource for anyone trying to help a friend or family member understand the prolife point of view. In clear, compelling language, Randy Alcorn lays out the case for life, appealing powerfully to both the reason and the emotions.”Charles W. ColsonPrison Fellowship, Washington, DC
A Dialogue About Birth Control article - Randy Alcorn The following is a conversation between two Christians who have different viewpoints on the issue of birth control.
A Dialogue About Harry Potter Books article - Randy Alcorn “As a teacher and a mom,” Jodi said, “the Harry Potter books are a hot button with me."
What Do You Think About C. S. Lewis’s Book A Grief Observed and His Views on Purgatory? article - Randy Alcorn He’s speaking with a perspective severely limited by his grief. His raw emotion sometimes trumps his actual beliefs with the agony of his grief.
What Do You Think About In Vitro Fertilization, Frozen Embryos, etc.? article - Randy Alcorn There is substantial scientific reason to believe frozen embryos are persons and should be granted the same rights as older, larger, and less vulnerable persons.
What Do You Think About the Concept of a Body-Soul Split? article - Randy Alcorn I believe this is a subject of immense importance to our understanding of Scripture. Our Platonic/Gnostic assumptions have skewed our views, shifting them closer to Buddhism and Hinduism than to biblical Christianity, which is centered an actual physical resurrection of not only Christ and people but the earth itself, an earth God called “very good” and has never given up on.
What Do You Think About Us Having a Personal Guardian Angel? article - Randy Alcorn The guardian angel question is a tough one. We know they exist, and we know that children have them, because we're told the children’s angels continuously behold the face of the Father.
What Do You Think of the Doctrine of Eternal Rewards? article - Randy Alcorn Eternal rewards is a hot topic in the evangelical community, partly because some people think it is anti-grace and leads to works-righteousness to earn salvation. Nothing could be further from the truth, but that’s the perception.
What Do You Think of the Fact That I Believe in Jesus Christ, but Have a Spirit Friend? article - Randy Alcorn If you have a spirit friend who communicates with you, you are (or think you are) in fact “consulting the dead.” Even if he is coming on his own initiative, the spirit is disguising himself as someone who is being welcomed by you, instead of being told to stay away on the basis of the shed blood of Jesus.
What Do You Think of the Progestin Only Pill as a Contraceptive While Nursing? article - William L. Toffler M.D. The so-called mini-pill is the least reliable in suppressing ovulation. Therefore, its mechanism of action is more likely to be post-ovulatory—that is, abortifacient.
What Does Common Grace Mean, and Is It Something I Should Believe? article - Randy Alcorn In his excellent book Bible Doctrine, Wayne Grudem says, “Common grace is the grace of God by which he gives people innumerable blessings that are not part of salvation. The word common here means something that is common to all people and is not restricted to believers or to the elect only.”
What Does Eternal Life Mean? article - Randy Alcorn Jesus said, “For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16). This never-ending life is promised to those who believe in Jesus. “But how can this be?” you might ask. “After all, everyone will die at some point.” True. But death isn’t the end of the story. Jesus promised that someday we’ll live forever with him. That means we’ll live again after we die.